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Thank you for your interest in giving to Hope Church. We are incredibly grateful for every gift.


Generosity is our privilege. We give of our resources as a response to God, who has given us everything.


We encourage everyone who considers Hope Church to be their home church to give a proportion of their income to the Church. Everything we do is only made possible by the generosity and sacrifice of the church community, investing finances into the Kingdom of God.


As a church, we give 11% of our unrestricted income to organisations aligned with our vision and values but working where we're not - find out more about these mission partners, here.

ways you can donate:

There are many ways to give but monthly standing order is most helpful for us.

If you have any questions please feel free to email us.

Standing Order/Bank Transfer

You can give a one-off or regular donation with your bank (no charge, 100% of your gift comes straight to us) either online, over the phone or in a branch using these details:


Bank Name: CAF bank
Account Name: Diss Christian Community Church

Sort code: 40 52 40

Account number: 00019543

Reference: Your surname

Donate by card

You can give a one-off or regular donation online (small transaction charge)



Coming soon.

Donate in

You can also give by cash or card at any Sunday service, or by giving your donation to any office staff during the week


Would you like to run a marathon, arrange a sleep-out or do a bake-sale for Hope Church? Or perhaps you have another creative idea you want to try. We would love to support you, promote your fundraising efforts and celebrate your success.

Please contact if you have any questions around fundraising or would like to share photos of your fundraising efforts.


You can include Hope Church within your will by the addition of a straightforward clause. Gifts from legacies can make an enormous difference to the life of the church and the impact on our local community. Please contact the office for more information on this.

we are
hope church

01379 644223


Hope Church, Vinces Road,

Diss, Norfolk,

IP22 4HQ

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A Company Limited by Guarantee Registered in England No. 07027443 Registered Charity: Diss Christian Community Church No. 132992

Working Name: We Are Hope Church A Member of the Evangelical Alliance


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